Written on: Thursday, February 5, 2009
Time: 8:21 PM

Yo! People!
I never felt so energetic, fanatic, enthusiastic than ever before!!!
By the way, I felt so happy that I get distinction for my math milestone test and I manage to pass SS class test.

For outside curriculum activities... :) XP
Cassandra: Thanks for helping me!!

But sad sia... Iskh iskh...
If a bird found a beautiful nest but it belongs to an eagle, you got no choice but to feel happy for that eagle that the eagle got a home or maybe one day the eagle will leave, bird take over, but not suring the nest suits you. Haizz... life like this. Every beautiful ones always hard to be vacant.

Hahahahahahaha... I think is funny with all this nonsense I wrote, friends, I hope you understood.